Monday, October 9, 2017

cost to run an Air Compressor, energy efficeint air compressors


Although it may sound hard to believe, operating a compressor is usually more expensive than purchasing one. That's right, almost 76% of the lifetime cost of your air compressor is electricity.  In most automotive and collision repair businesses, compressed air is one of the most expensive utilities!
Over 10 years of operating, a typical industrial air compressor can run you well over a half million dollars in electricity costs.

Many factors impact the cost of compressed air. How long you run your air compressor and the cost of electricity in your area both can drive up cost. Energy-efficient air compressors cost less to operate than conventional compressors.


air compressor service

The true cost of your electricity bill depends on your use. Determining this cost can help you to reduce expenses.  Here are the 4 steps in determining the cost to operate your air compressor. 

1. Determine How Long the Compressor Is On.  (Many of the rotary screw air compressors run 24/7)

Most air compressors cycle on and off throughout the day. While the compressor is cycling on, it draws power.  The average heavy duty reciprocating air compressor has a 66% duty cycle.  To figure out how long your run cycle is, get a stopwatch and time it from when the compressor comes on to when it stops.  Obviously an air compressor’s use differs from day to day.   You can get a more accurate estimate by averaging the compressor’s use over a week. To do this, track your usage for seven days and divide the sum by seven.

2. Calculate How Much Power the Compressor Consumes

Your air compressor should have a wattage rating stamped on its nameplate. Multiply this wattage by the type of current needed to operate it. Many smaller compressors operate on a standard household current, which is 110 volts. Larger air compressors may need 220-volt current.

For example: 15 amp air compressor X 110 volts = 1,650 watts per hour.  (if you were to run that compressor for 8 hours a day; 5 days per week then you would calculate:

1,650 X 8 hours (13,200 watts) X 5 days =66,000 watts per week)  Now to determine the energy cost and to find Kilowatt hours you would divide the total number by 1,000.  The end result would be a grand total of 66 kilowatts per hour

3. Find the Total Kilowatt Hours Used

Another example: 1,650 watts per hour X 4 hours = 6,600 watt hours.   6,600 / 1000 = 6.6kw.

So a 15-amp air compressor that runs for 4 hours will use 6.6 kilowatt hours of electricity.

4. Multiply the Kilowatt Hours Used by Cost of Electricity
Most utilities charge by the kilowatt hour. This means that you will need to multiply the total kilowatt hours used by the electricity rate per kilowatt hours.
Example: 6.6 kilowatt hours X 12 cents per kilowatt hour = 79.2 cents for 4 hours of use

Fortunately there are many ways to reduce the costs of compressed air. Choosing the right air compressor can reduce your costs by approximately 45%.  Also, having a qualified expert install your equipment can and will reduce the overall cost and future maintenance on your air compressor.


. Purchase an Energy-Efficient Air Compressor

Many modern air compressors offer better controls and storage than previous generations. If you’re in the market for a new compressor, look for energy-efficient flow control and storage systems.



Storage: Higher storage capacity means a compressor will need to run less often. If you use a lot of compressed air, you may want to consider increasing the storage capacity. (higher pressure = lower volume while lower pressure = higher volume)In laymen's terms; get a larger tank!!!!!


2. (this one is a no brainer) Turn Off Your Air Compressor!

Air compressors regularly cycle on and off to maintain the chosen pressure. Even minimal air leaks can cause your compressor to cycle on regularly. Compressors that are on constantly can use a significant amount of electricity. By simply turning off your air compressor over the weekends, you will reduce your electric bill by as much as 20%


3. Use Only the Required Air Pressure

Just because your air compressor says that it can go up to 175 PSI doesn't mean that you should always set your pressure switch to that level.  Most automotive shops can significantly reduce their electric bills and increase the life of the compressor by setting the pressure switch to come on at 110 PSI and turn off at 150 PSI. Each additional 10 sig requires approximately 5% more energy to produce. If you don’t need the additional pressure, don’t use it.

4. (just like your car) Change Filters Regularly

Changing your filter regularly can help reduce the electricity your air compressor uses. (similar to your car air filter or the vacuum bag in your vacuum cleaner) Clogged or dirty filters cause an air compressor’s motor to work harder to provide the appropriate psi, which results in a higher electric bill. 

Regular filter cleaning can also reduce the cost of maintenance and the likelihood of air leaks. As with your vehicle, the filters are responsible for removing dust and particles from the air.


5. Check for Air Leaks on a regular basis. 

Regularly surveying for leaks can reduce energy use This can equate to 5-10k a day in big companies. A successful leak audit requires:

·        Knowledge: Ensure technicians understand the compressor’s technical specifications and how to inspect the equipment.

·        Planning: Plan a regular time to inspect air compressors for leaks. If necessary, break up the inspection so it doesn’t interfere with regular work. (perhaps over the weekends?)

·        Follow through: Survey equipment again to make sure all tagged leaks have been repaired.

6. The largest leak gets priority!!!!

Prioritize any air leaks you find by size. Larger holes mean your equipment will need more power to maintain air pressure. These should be repaired first. Add a note that includes the priority level of any repairs to be made when you find new leaks.

7. Prevent Large Repairs

Check pipes, seals and bearings regularly for corrosion and particulates.

Make sure compressor components are operating within their optimum range. Periodically clean the water jackets and pipes that help to maintain the temperature of the air compressor. If a compressor gets too hot, costly repairs and breakdowns are more likely. If the compressor is air cooled, check to make sure fins are not clogged with dirt.

8. Review Piping Infrastructure

You can reduce the amount of energy your compressor needs by optimizing the pipes that deliver air. For instance, you can increase air pressure by reducing the pipe size. This often means you can operate your compressor at a lower psi.  Make sense?

Choosing smaller pipes is one of the most effective ways to increase air pressure. Replacing a 3-inch diameter pipe with a 2-inch diameter pipe will increase air pressure by approximately 50%. You may also want to consider whether you can shorten the distance between the compressor and the air end.




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